Test suite

A test suite to validate the microcode and my current software toolchain is now complete and has successfully passed. I wrote, assembled and simulated a set of simple test cases for each instruction I have in the instruction set to prove they all work as intended. The suite in total is several hundred lines of ...

Random findings and tweaks from testing

While I am nearing completion of a CPU test suite, there are some findings I would like to share here, as they changed some of my previous assumptions. Besides, they are important aspects for future programming, so I need to remember these. Carry/borrow flag. First thing is how the ‘181 ALU handles the carry flag ...


No more hand assembling. I created a simple assembler using flex and bison. It is another piece of software I wrote from scratch for the sake of building the computer. The hobby hardware project so far has been only around software. It’s been several months now since I started all this, and I’ve been coding, ...